Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Life..

With the new year here it brings in all sort of new resolutions.  I know I have plenty.  But instead of resolutions I am going to set goals. Let's face it a huge majority never even keep these resolutions past June. One of my goals is to start a blog. I don't know who will read this or if any other than my husband and myself will even have interest, but I figured why not.  

I have come up with 21 goals this year. 
  1. Lose 50 lbs.
  2. Read 2 books a month... List to follow
  3. Finish our Disney scrapbook. (mind you it's from 2006)
  4. Run 5k, 10k, and hopefully a half-marathon. 
  5. Get savings back up to what it was pre-move to Florida.
  6. Start a Blog. DONE!! :)
  7. Write in the blog.
  8. Go on one vacation alone with my hubby. 
  9. Write him every single day that he is away from me in Basic
  10. Make address book of family members and friends. (Note to self: don't do it on my phone.)
  11. Get organized
  12. Take more pictures.
  13. Go to Church more often.
  14. Become an active member of the church. 
  15. Learn to sew.
  16. Learn to do piping on cakes. (take a wilton's class maybe?)
  17. Get my Passport.
  18. Only eat out 1-2 times a month.
  19. Do 100 sit ups a day.
  20. Make 12 Different kinds of cupcakes.
  21. Go to at least 1 broadway show.


  1. hey girl,
    Welcome to the blogging world!!! I love it i have made so many friends! Thanks for following me! i love resolutions even better i love checking things off a list! i like the cupcake resolutions cause i love cupcakes and i also love the situps...i should do that to!

  2. All your goals are nice, but the cupcake goal.. I might have to steal that idea from ya. Haha! I think 1 new cupcake recipe a month is a fantastic goal. I'm joining the club! :) Good luck with your blog. I've been at it for officially 1 year now, and I loves it. I'm sure you will too!

  3. Hey, thanks for the follow, welcome to the club, and good luck! Look forward to reading more.

  4. Best of luck to you- I have a feeling this is going to be a good year!
